I’m baaaack.

I was sitting here at my table, boiling water for tea and getting ready to go to a ‘blues et folk africain’ concert tonight, thinking about all the things I’ve done since I’ve gotten to France…and I realized: I haven’t blogged about any of them.

My mistake, internauts and francophiles. I was too busy living to write about, well, living. In the past six weeks, I’ve started teaching English to middle schoolers, travelled through Brittany, visited two chateaux, tried to learn how to use my microwave/convection oven (and failed), and started making friends in my tiny town – stuff which takes quite a bit of both time and energy.

But now things have settled down somewhat, and although I’ve got somewhere to be tonight, my Not Quite New Year’s Resolution is to be as disciplined about this blog as I am about tasting new cheeses and drinking new wines!

Let me leave you with this photo I took of La côte sauvage, or as we’d say in English, The Wild Coast:


(La Route Cotiére, Quiberon, Bretagne, France.)